

  • 原学校:香港理工大学
  • 原专业:会计和金融分析
  • GPA:3.61 | 4
  • 标化成绩:IELTS:7.5、GMAT:680
  • 背景提升:如何提升背景?
  • 主要经历:
    Mazars CPA Limited Jan 2020-Present
    Senior, Audit & Assurance Hong Kong SAR
    Conducted interim and annual audits, supported by up to three junior team members, into 5 HK-listed companies of varying holding and operating structures in different industry sectors.
    Communicated and cooperated with financial controllers and component auditors in other jurisdictions, namely PRC, USA, and Canada, to perform audits on group subsidiaries and assess for accounting treatments, some of which had discontinued operations and dissolved at the time of audit.
    Decided on IFRS-compliant accounting treatments related to properties under development, properties held for sale, leases, and provisioning of doubtful accounts.
    Reviewed the valuations prepared by external appraisers, enquired into the inputs and assumptions therein, and performed sensitivity analyses on the valuations.

    Baker Tilly Hong Kong Limited Dec 2017-Sep 2019
    Senior Associate, Audit and Assurance Hong Kong SAR
    Performed audit assignments along with junior staff for 3 HK-listed companies, one of which operated a large business in Macau.
    Led the audit into the Macau group companies for two consecutive years, interviewed the Macau staff to understand the subsidiaries’ operational flows, and identified after-report-issue errors.
    Performed, at a client’s request, financial due diligence into a potential portfolio company and its three major subsidiaries, and subsequently co-authored the due diligence report.
    Guided 1 company in migrating from the HKEx GEM board to the main board.

    Elite Partners CPA Limited Feb 2016-Oct 2017
    Senior Associate, Audit Hong Kong SAR
    Conducted interim and annual audits into 5 HK-listed companies across different industries and disciplines, assisting with their respective issuance of periodical financial reports.
    Resolved one company’s legacy accounting irregularities and assisted in its equity’s resumption of trading following the re-issuance of two annual and one interim reports within two months.
    Worked as a co-in-charge with another senior team member, successfully handled IFRS accounting treatments for first time in valuation of promissory note, valuation of PPA, and impairment of CGU
    Performed financial due diligence for a target company and assisted in drafting the due diligence report, leading to the acquisition of the target company by the client.

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申请结果:HKU BA,HKU Fintech,CUHK BA。最后选了HKU Fintech交了留位费。

专业选择:在官网研究下课程描述,多问问学长学姐,刷刷知乎,上chasedream论坛,去领英看看毕业之后的去向,结合自身兴趣与职业规划来选择专业。本人对数据分析有兴趣一开始选了BA,之后又加申了Fintech。专业上Fintech比BA更tech,学校上HKUST较HKU在这两个专业上更注重数理背景,这可能是我HKUST没回音的主要原因。另外HKU Fintech是第一年开,之前是Finance下的一个track。

语言和G:尽早准备,看下官网是啥要求,向学长了解下class profile,基本刷到平均就可以,当然越高越好。本人2019年就搞定了雅思Gmat。之后Gmat又考了几次想考到700以上,无奈成绩均不理想,不过680可以算是average的程度也可以了。雅思的话虽然是港本可以豁免,不过因为工作多年学校可能challenge你所以还是考了个。G的话HKU和HKUST不是必须的但CUHK是要求一定有的。

文书准备:港校的话注重本校名字,以及三维,对文书的要求其实不是很大,当然还是得稍微准备下PS+CV+2CL。我是自己写好了所有找WordSunny帮我修改,WordSunny家的价格稍贵不过服务下来我觉得还是值得的,在这里谢谢Sean Liu老师,改的语言非常地道,改了我很多Chinglish哈哈。CV不多说,写好可以多校多专业通用。PS的话我觉得还是需要自己好好想想,也可以找学长学姐好好讨论下动机,选择学校专业原因,职业规划什么的,针对不同学校不同专业稍加修改即可。CL需要早点找老师,有些教授得经常催催因为申请季也是他们最忙的时候,工作党建议一篇学术一篇工作推荐信,从不同角度阐述你的优势。









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