墨尔本大学设计艺术硕士|Master of Fine Arts|MFA

BA Design

春季,秋季 3学分 墨尔本大学


Design studios, site visits, field trips and interaction with industry practitioners will take you into ‘real life’ situations with industry briefs.

You will study in award-winning state-of- the-art teaching facilities that demonstrate many of the design techniques you will be working to acquire in class.

The work you will do in class uses the same collaborative approaches you’ll find in workplaces, ensuring you are industry-ready from day one. Many of your teachers are also working in industry at the same time, sharing current knowledge and practice directly with you.

The Bachelor of Design allows you to combine the humanities, sciences and visual and performing arts within a single degree. You can further tailor your skills through breadth study and third-year design specialisations, such as Building Image Modelling (BIM), to expand your core program. You can focus on one or two majors, or complete a major and a minor.


Mid-year applications open with VTAC 9am Monday 4 April 2022.

Mid-year applications close with VTAC 5pm Friday 10 June 2022.


Units 3 & 4: A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/ Literature or at least 30 in EAL.

Applicants intending to major in Civil Systems, Computing, Construction, Mechanical Systems, Property or Spatial Systems may be required to undertake a bridging subject in mathematics as breadth in first year. This is equivalent to Units 3 and 4 Mathematical Methods, and entry requires a mathematics background equivalent to Units 1 and 2 Mathematical Methods.


中文 英文名 类型
Architecture 建筑学



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